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Disclaimer: Off-Campus FWS Jobs
Federal Work-Study (FWS) jobs are only available to those students who were awarded and are academically eligible for FWS for the current academic year. To check your financial aid award status, please login to CUNYfirst or contact the Financial Aid Office by phone (718) 289-5700 or in person at Colston Hall, room 504.

The Federal Work-Study Office at Bronx Community College acts only as a referral service and makes no particular recommendations regarding off-campus employers. We make no representations or guarantees about off-campus positions posted by this office. Bronx Community College is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of off-campus employment.

For further job placement assistance, please visit the Financial Aid Office at Colston Hall, room 504.

Thank you.

Disclaimer: On-Campus FWS Jobs
Federal Work-Study (FWS) jobs are only available to those students who were awarded and are academically eligible for FWS for the current academic year. To check your financial aid award status, please login to CUNYfirst or contact the Financial Aid Office by phone (718) 289-5700 or in person at Colston Hall, room 504.

For further job placement assistance, please visit the Financial Aid Office at Colston Hall, room 504.

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